About St. Mark


St. Mark is a congregation of Christ-followers whose hearts are warmed by worship and fellowship, whose minds are informed and transformed through study and prayer, and whose hands are ready to serve and to share the love of Christ with others.

The church takes its name from the Gospel writer whose favorite word is "immediately," because the church practically sprang up overnight in 1956 once it was determined that the growing suburbs of west Knoxville needed a Methodist church. More than fifty years later, St. Mark continues to live up to its name by responding readily to the needs that we recognize among us and around us.

We also are United Methodist, which is a denomination that traces our history back to the renewal movement in 18th century England begun by John and Charles Wesley and has now spread all across the world. St. Mark seeks to represent the "uniting" spirit of United Methodism by emphasizing the cooperation of both God's grace and human freedom in our salvation, the importance of both personal faith and social responsibility, both a respect for tradition and a responsiveness to innovation, and a holistic understanding of discipleship that integrates our heads, our hearts and our hands as we grow into the people God would have us to become in Christ.

Our Mission is to be a church:

Rooted in the traditions of Methodism and the early church to make disciples.
Reaching to a community, city, and world to lead transformation.

Our Vision encompasses:

  • Offering vibrant worship and discipleship opportunities that foster faith and spiritual growth in all people.

  • Reaching new generations for Christ by intentionally welcoming children, youth, young adults, and families to the church.

  • Becoming a more visible and vital presence for Jesus Christ in the Rocky Hill community.

  • Using all our resources (spiritual gifts and talents, property, facilities, staff, and finances) to the fullest effect for Christ.


St. Mark UMC Staff

Sam Ward

Children's Director

Shelby Berkley
Interim Music Director

Andrea Gantte
Church Musician

Paula Sandoval
Youth Director

Liz Mann
Office Manager

St. Mark UMC History


Feb 1956  - The first church conference was held and the name of St. Mark was chosen. Seventy one people attended the first worship service at Rocky Hill Elementary School. 
May 1956 - The Board of Stewards approved the present church site on Northshore Drive.
Jun 1956 - Rev. John McDonald was appointed St. Mark’s first minister.
Oct 1957  -  A campaign was begun for an educational building on the Northshore site.
Sep 1958  - The first worship service was held in the new education building.      
Oct 1964 - The dedication service for the sanctuary was held after a year of planning and construction.
1989 - The educational building was expanded with the addition of the Robert Whorley Fellowship Hall and the Simpson Library.
1991 - The purchase of properties on the east and west side of church increased the church site to its present nine acres.
May 2005 - A new parsonage on Brooktree was purchased.
2006 - St. Mark celebrated its 50th Anniversary in a newly renovated sanctuary.
Jun 2008 - The mortgages on adjacent properties and the parsonage were paid off leaving the church debt free. 
July 2013 - Master Plan for phased additions and improvements was approved.
. . . We look forward with excited anticipation to another 60 years of growth.

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