Our experience with young children convinces us that they know, love, and worship God! Sometimes, corporate worship, however, is full of words and symbols based on stories and memories children do not yet possess.
For children to participate meaningfully in corporate worship, they need to first experience the stories of worship through all the senses and movement.
Our children’s worship involves the flow of activity that corresponds to the four basic elements of worship: gathering, listening, thinking, and going.
Most importantly, our children’s worship shares the sacred stories from the Bible in ways they can learn and understand them.
The Children’s Worship room is a very special place for children to be with God. In this space we have all the time we need. We are on God’s time. This is the space for Children to talk with God, listen to God, and hear the stories that will help them be with God throughout their lives.
Children’s Worship at St. Mark begins in August and runs every Sunday through May
Children are escorted to the Children’s Worship room after the Children’s moment in worship (about 15 minutes into the service).
All Children age 4-10 are invited to participate (preschool – fifth grade).
Each session will include a story or parable during the “Telling God’s Word” time.
Stories and parables include: The Good Shepherd, Creation, Noah, Abraham and Sarah, The Exodus, The Promised Land, the Temple, The Exile and Return, Meeting the Christ Child (Nativity), the Mustard Seed, the Great Pearl, the Sower, Jesus and the Children, Jesus is Risen (Easter), Pentecost and more.
Following the Academic Calendar, we begin each year in August. Our dedicated Children’s Worship space is a place where children can become oriented to what it means to worship God. We help the children learn to enter a sacred time and place, and we help them learn how to use the room all by themselves. Worship follows this order:
We Approach God
The Greeting
The Song Praise
We Proclaim God’s Word
Telling God’s Word
Wondering Together
Story and Art
Returning to the Circle
Reading the Bible
We Give Thanks to God
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Preparation of the Feast
The Feast
Go in God’s Name