October 2, 2020

25 Long ago you laid the foundation of the earth,
    and the heavens are the work of your hands.
26 They will perish, but you endure;
    they will all wear out like a garment.
You change them like clothing, and they pass away;
27     but you are the same, and your years have no end.
28 The children of your servants shall live secure;
    their offspring shall be established in your presence. – Psalm 102:25-28

We’ve reached the days that the leaves are about to change color (some already started), pretty soon, we will be reminded of the beauty that is painted on the mountain trees as the colors shine brightly in the sunlight.  However, as beautiful as these colors are, we know that this means death to the leave on the tree.  Those leaves will soon fall to the ground, and the trees will be bare.

A mentor of mine, who with his wife adopted a child who was from Malaysia, said he remembers the first time this child experienced autumn here in east Tennessee.  The child wanted the tree leaves change color, enjoying the beauty, but as the leaves  began to drop each day the child became sad.  His adopted father asked why the boy was sad at the sight of the tree losing it’s leaves. The boy said that the tree is dying, and he liked that tree. Where the boy was from, when a tree lost its leaves it meant that the tree was dead, and it wasn’t coming back.  The father assured the boy that the tree was fine, and that when spring time would come the tree would bud and sprout new leaves.  It was hard for the boy to understand, and perhaps he didn’t fully believe until the spring.  When spring arrived, however, the boy saw the buds just as his father has said they would appear, and his little faith became sight – the tree was alive and sprouting new growth!

Long ago, the ancient psalmists new the cycle of things, all of their society, all of creation as they knew it, they understood would one day pass away, but in their faith, they believed that God would endure forever. Even more, they believed that their children (or down their family lines) as they remained faithful, would survive. “the children of your servants shall live secure…”

Their understanding has now become one of the great markers of our faith. We have a hope, that though we will one day pass away from this earth, there is a beautiful resurrection (new life) that is waiting for us.  There our faith will be made sight, and we will rejoice in the presence of our God, forever and ever.

Grace & Peace,