October 28, 2020

“the Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” – Lamentation 3:24

The Lord is my portion, the steadfast love of the Lord is forever, these are phrases that seem very common to us as those who have faith. However, they may be lost on others. One of the effects that has lingered on this year, and perhaps has risen to new heights since the beginning of the pandemic is our awareness of mental illness.

We have always known mental illness exists, but this year, the feelings of loneliness, isolation, separation, for some have become even more overwhelming.  We are hearing of the rise of folks who are exhibiting true anxiety disorders, depression, and other issues of mental health.  Needless to say, more than ever, we should check on those whom we love and call friend as often as we are able.  Many people need the support of others around them to cope with the realities they face, and we never know when something as simple as a phone call or a text can have a huge impact on someone’s day.

In much the same way as interaction with others gives us hope, the church is truly a community that exists for relaying the eternal hope of Christ for all. It is the purpose of the grace of God that we have received, to transform us into having the same loving kindness that we see exhibited in Jesus within the gospels. 

Today, I’ve captured a verse from the prophet Jeremiah who is lamenting the destruction of his beloved city, Jerusalem.  The Israelites would spend the next generation in exile in Babylon, and some who are leaving this city will never see it again.  Yet, even in lament, Jeremiah is able to know that the Lord is there, the Lord can bring hope even to the hopeless, even to those who seem overwhelmed by the world today, the Lord can bring hope. However, to borrow from Paul’s letter to the Romans – “…how can they hear without a preacher?” (10:14)

We all, who have Christ as our portion, have within us the ability to reach out empathetically and sympathetically to share the hope we have with others. May we do so, and in doing so share the joy that this is still a day that the Lord has made, and we have reason to be glad, as we are glad to have one another in Christian community.

Grace & Peace,