December 17, 2020
I have no greater joy than this, to hear that my children are walking in the truth. – 3 John 1:4
Advent Lighting – Light three candles; hope, peace, and joy
No matter how deep, or poetic, fervent, or passionate words may be, the idea of joy is almost impossible to describe. Joy is best understood through our own experiences, it is an internal language, or song that reverberates in us to let us know that something great is happening. We do find joy in the experiences of our own lives, and that joy is deep, penetrating, and even defines a little of who we are. Yet, I would venture to say, that this joy is amplified even more when as we read in John’s third epistle, that we see or hear our ‘children’ walking in truth.
John is referring, of course, to those who have believed the message of the messiah, and have become children of God. However, there is something to be said of all who would be considered children. Whether biological, adopted, or simply loved by an older generation. When they walk in a way that brings honor to Christ, especially if we have imparted any wisdom to them, their actions amplify our teaching, and more importantly, amplify God in this world. Our hearts burst in joy when the greatness of our God is expanded.
Theologian and Evangelist Charles Spurgeon wrote about this once. This is why he had to say about expanding on how great is our God.
First, we must think on His greatness, really praising him. If our minds are focused upon him. There is no reason to speak in this, just concentrate, ponder, wonder, meditate, ruminate on the great attributes of our Lord Most High. Begin with his mercy and move towards His holiness, concentrate on each attribute and let it fill your mind. In this, you are giving your mind to God, He will allow you to think on Him, to let your imagination run wild as your concentrate on him.
Second, we make God great by drinking Him in. The lilies of the field simply stand and worship God by their beauty, drinking in the sunlight, and the rain, which simply adds to their beauty. So, us too, let us stand before the Lord, daily, let us stand and drink Him in, let Him pour into you His love, mercy, grace, delight, and let it grow you faith. It’s like going to the ocean and breathing in the salty air, putting your feet in the tide and letting all the worries of life slip away, while you are being filled with all the goodness of the Lord, and being remade into His likeness, His perfect holiness, then you make Him great by what you do as you walk forth.
The Joy the rises as we are being made in the likeness of our Lord, that we are His lowly servant being given a new life, begin lifted from the ashes, having such gratitude in our hearts at what God would do for us, that we can't help but share that message of joy to the entire world.
Jesus was not born into the most usual circumstances and definitely not the most kingly, however, the joy of his birth burst forth through the generations and meets us year after year as we celebrate a great beginning of a new or deepening relationship with God.
Grace & Peace,