But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. – Romans 8:25
Light the first candle of advent, the candle of hope
We might recall that old mantra ‘seeing is believing.’ It has been used by advertisers for years to help the potential customer have proof of whatever deal is being offered. The phrase, itself, dates back to the 1600’s meaning that only concrete proof is convincing enough to help others understand a truth.
For the Christian, however, we would see this going back even further. In John 20, we know that Thomas, says he would not believe in the resurrection until he saw the resurrected Jesus himself. Later in that chapter Jesus appears before Thomas, and has him place his hands where the nails once were. Jesus says to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.”
Many might suppose that the phrase of believing in seeing comes from Thomas’ need to have proof of the resurrection. However, when we see Jesus response, and the response of Christians to believe and have that great hope of a resurrection life, we must realize that faith in such hope is even greater than seeing.
This season of advent is, for us, an opportunity to renew our hope in the one who came among us, and will return to us. Our Emmanuel is the one whom we believe came as a child, taught us how to live and love through is life, died for our sins, and rose again that we would have life everlasting. We have not seen him, yet we believe that he will return to us again one day. Advent allows us to place our hope in that day of his return. It allows us to have a hope that helps us be patient, even through our current circumstances. Hope that allows us to have faith in what we cannot see.
Even when we cannot see, we have a faith that allows us hope in something better. This hope gives us the energy and desire to do good for those around us, and to offer them the hope that the days ahead are brighter because of Christ Jesus our Lord. May this season of advent, and beyond enliven our souls to share such hope that in us, people may see the goodness of God and believe in something better.
Grace & Peace,