Daily Encourager – March 23, 2020

Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. – Galatians 6:2

In yesterday’s sermon I taught from Mark 12, and spoke about the greatest commandment to love God and love neighbor.  It’s the hinge on which all the prophets and law hang, and it is what draws us closer to the kingdom of God.

Today, I look again at Paul’s words to the Galatians. The entirety of this letter is teaching and correcting the newly formed Christians in Galatia to understand that they don’t have to become Jewish in order become Christian, as some other Jews were teaching.  In a moment, only lead by the Holy Spirit, in chapter 6, Paul, looks to these dearly loved ones, and reminds them that the best they can do is to help carry the load for one another.  Paul knows, from experience, that no one can move towards the kingdom of God, (or as Wesleyan’s might say, sanctification) alone.  Truth is we need one another in everything we do.

In this time of social distance, I think it becomes even more apparent how much we need one another.  Truth is, I’m missing our times together. I miss seeing you, and miss opportunities just to speak with you.  I am certain that you are missing your times together in Sunday School, UMW circles, and all the other groups which get together regularly. 

My hope is that even though we are apart, you are still reaching out to one another.  I know that you are, but I’m especially encouraged by our youth group who are calling on several of our older members to make sure they are doing okay.  What a wonderful way to stay connected, and to share with one another, and even bear one another’s burdens.  Today’s encouraging word comes from the one of our youth moms.

My heart swelled with pride today as I watched four teenage girls making “check-in”  calls to elderly clients of Mobile Meals. They discovered a lady recovering from two broken ankles plus had no food because her refrigerator stopped working. The office was notified and “Ms. Linda” will have food later today.  – Claudia Duncan

May we continue to be encouraged, and to encourage one another, in the love of Christ!

Grace & Peace,
Pastor Sam