Daily Encourager – April 9, 2020

For their sake he remembered his covenant, and showed compassion according to the abundance of his steadfast love. – Psalm 106:45

Today is a day of remembrance, the day in which we remember that Jesus Christ gave himself up for the sins of the whole world.  Today we remember how he met with the disciples in the upper room, and there shared a meal.  At the end of the meal Jesus offered his body the bread, and his blood the wine, and asked that every time they ate of it, that they would remember.

Jesus wanted to mark in the minds of his disciples something common, that they would never feel far from Jesus, and the practice of breaking the bread, and sharing the cup of blessing continues today, and when we eat it, we remember the promises made between us and God, God and us. We remember that we are saved by his amazing grace.

God remembers us, as the psalmist say, for our own sake, and shows compassion on us according to an abundant love that we have never deserved.  That’s the beauty of God’s grace.  I love the acronym of G.R.A.C.E. that spells it out as: God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.  It shows us that we didn’t earn it, nor did we deserve it, but in the fullness of time, Jesus laid down his life. Christ died for us, while we were yet sinners, and that is the proof of God’s love for us.

Today, if you can, forget about what is going on outside in the world, and for a moment remember that you are here by the grace of God, that you are loved in the grace of God, that you are remembered by God.

In the steadfast love of Christ, may we remember his love shown for us.

Grace & Peace,

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