Daily Encourager – May 17, 2020

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I will glory in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together. – Psalm 34:2-3

We come again to Sunday, the day we gather in the sanctuary and praise the lord, receiving his blessings for yet another week, and being encouraged to keep the faith.  I know that our “gathering” isn’t quite what we have been accustomed; however, I still remain thankful that we can offer a way for us to worship together even if we do so separately.

Truth is we are to praise and extol the Lord at all times. I don’t know that the writer of this psalm had a quarantine in mind when these words were penned. Yet, they seem appropriate for us in this time, that we would be reminded to continue in our praise and admiration of the Lord our God who has sustained us through so much, and abides with us still today.

Furthermore, the beauty of this weekend has hopefully allowed us to exit the walls of our house, to breathe in the fresh air, and enjoy the new creation in bloom. It seems these days, as spring unfolds into full bloom, there is always something new to experience and enjoy.  All of these new blooms, the new growth, the new creation, should remind us that we, too, are newly created into the likeness of Christ.

Because of this newness that is growing inside of each of us, waiting to burst forth in song, we can join the psalmist as the song proclaims, “let us exalt his name together.”

Today, as we gather around our screens for worship again, let us exalt the Lord’s name together, let us sing louder, pray deeper, and allow the Lord’s presence to spread through the wifi, and data cables, as we gather with so many around the world, praising God in this way.

Worship has not ended, it is not cancelled, it continues each and every day, and that is even more reason for us to glorify the Lord. The afflicted of body, mind, and spirit, will hear, and they will rejoice, because God’s people will never stop praising His almighty name. Amen.

Grace & Peace,