August 21, 2020

If you do nothing in a difficult time, your strength is limited – Proverbs 24:10

No doubt that difficult times have fallen on all of us these past many months, and some of that time, we have truly felt like we could do nothing. But I’m reminded of one of those praise songs we have sung in worship – strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord. Of course this is repeated several times throughout the song, however, the truth is waiting, though it seems like doing ‘nothing’ is truly something.

Waiting, in prayer and petition is knowing that we do not have the strength to make it on our own, but we also know who does have the strength we need – it comes from God. Even in those times that we become weary in our waiting, we need to have hope that God will carry us through.

The other day, my four-year-old niece asked – “why hasn’t God gotten rid of this virus yet?” In that moment I got to teach her about patience and persistence in prayer, I got to tell her about a hope that many people have, and in which we cannot give up. Waiting on God is hard, but there are many times that the people of God have waited, and have been called to have strength in their waiting. Nehemiah exclaimed that the Joy of the Lord is our strength (8:9). Isaiah said that God gives strength to the powerless (40:29). Many knew that true strength comes in waiting and hoping in God.

When we draw closer to God, we know that better days are ahead. However, we can more easily allow our waiting to turn into wallowing, doubt, and despair. The proverb reminds us that we do not have a limited strength because God is faithful, and we know that all the blessings we have seen thus far, and all that are still to come will come as continue to praise God even in difficult times.  Therefore, let us continue to rejoice, give thanks, and find time each day to praise God and pray with persistence for the unlimited strength to make it through.

Grace & Peace,