August 28, 2020

37 He came and found them sleeping; and he said to Peter, “Simon, are you asleep? Could you not keep awake one hour? – Mark 14:37

A wife asked, and asked, and asked her husband to come to church with her. She knew that if he would come to church, hear the message, perhaps it would change his life. He was a kind man, but she wanted a devout man. She wanted a husband who would help her teach the importance of faith to their young children, and give them a man whose faith they could aspire.

The husband worked long hours during the week, and on Sunday when the family was a church he would rest up, so he could make it through the next week. The husband relented his rest, and went to church with the family one Sunday. As the choir sang “There’s a place of quiet rest…” and the preacher read from the book of Numbers that week, the husband drifted off to sleep.  When the service was over, and everyone back in the car, the wife said; “I hope that sleep was worth it.” The husband simply nodded, and remarked, sure was the best sleep I’ve had in a while.

Since we have had so many church services online these past many months, I hope that you have been able to stay awake. Life sure has been different with church online, and in some cases, I know I have probably slept a little more. Yet, the story of Simon and the others sleeping teaches us something a little different. Jesus asks them to keep vigil with him in this time of his great need. Jesus goes a little further to pray, hoping that these disciples would have the strength to pray with him. However, when Jesus returns he finds them sleeping.

In much the same way, it might become easy for us to become a little bit relaxed as we continue to worship apart from one another. I know that it has been tough, but God has kept us connected, and is working through us even now, and I am thankful for the ways we have continued to be able to engage. I know it’s hard to imagine continuing in this way, but we cannot give up hope that we will gather again, and praise God awake and alert, prepared to worship in spirit and truth.

Grace & Peace,