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How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts! 2 My soul longs, indeed it faints for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God. – Psalm 84:1-2
The contemporary hymn entitled, “Better is One Day,” reminds us of the freedom and peace that comes when we are living in the presence of the LORD. However, this hymn is not truly contemporary because it comes straight from Scripture. The writers of “Better is One Day” are quoting a portion of the 84th Psalm, just set to a more modern musical setting.
This ancient song has been sung though generation after generation, written by the sons of Korah. Now, I would say that who wrote it might not mean much in our present day, but understanding the history here might give a deeper appreciation for the Psalm. Korah was the great-grandson of Levi in the lineage of Israel (Jacob). Numbers 16 accounts Korah as rebelling against Moses and was punished by having the earth swallow him up. However, the children of Korah did not die (Num 26:11). It is indicated in Numbers 26 that His sons disowned their Father’s sin and were spared his fate. The decedents of Korah went on to be famous in Israel and included the prophet Samuel. The sons of Korah understood how leaving God’s presence and not honoring God’s word could lead to destruction and perhaps even an eternity without God. Therefore, they knew how precious each moment was standing in the courts of the LORD, and how important it was to long for more of God’s amazing presence.
We, too, understand that there is no place like being in God’s presence. Though we may have struggled in this time apart from one another and our human built sanctuary. My hope is that we always understand that God’s presence is not in only one place, but it is everywhere, every place where God is worshiped, there is the presence of God – there’s no place better.
The theme of Psalm 84 is found another time in Revelation 22 as John sees a “river of living water, sparkling like crystal, flowing from the throne of God…[and]…the Lord God will give them light.” God’s presence in our life is everything that gives us joy, peace, grace, and love. It is far better to be in the outer courts of God’s presence for one moment, than to spend thousands of years anywhere else. May we seek God’s presence wherever we are, knowing his grace, peace, and love, allowing it to give us hope for the best days are still to come!
Grace & Peace,