Worship Update

As we navigate back towards a new normal, for the next several weeks we will continue to meet at 10:00 am.  In addition, the online service will continue to be available at 9:00 am each Sunday for those who wish to remain a part of the online community for any reason.

A few things you will need to know as you plan to worship in-person with us.

1.      Everyone present must wear a mask (we will have some available if you forget)

2.      When you arrive please “check-in” with the ushers. (We are required to keep an accurate account of everyone present. )

3.      Many of the pews in our sanctuary will be roped off, please do only sit in an open area, and we will do our best to keep 6 feet distance between family units.

4.      Tithes and offerings may be left in the offering plates located at designated areas in the back and front of the sanctuary – you may leave these as your enter or as you leave.

I greatly look forward to see you in the Sanctuary next Sunday! I hope you have a blessed week, and find ways to be blessed by blessing others each and every day!

Grace & Peace,