September 28, 2020

Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. – Hebrews 4:16

The encourager has made it to your email every day since March 20. In the midst of the pandemic, shutdowns, and isolations, it seemed necessary to share messages of hope and encouragement. 

These messages have meant as much to me to share them, as I hope they have to you to receive them.  Together, we have been reminded of the greatness of our God. We have shared in the trails of our times, and hopefully strengthened the faith to overcome the daily struggles.

As I write this, the days are becoming a little more ‘normal’ (whatever that is). Life has picked back up, schedules are filling up, and much of life seems to be getting back up to pace.  For the encourager, this means I need help. 

I know that many of you have enjoyed these daily words, and reminders of God’s grace. I am always glad and grateful when someone takes a moment to respond. Those responses keep me motivated and focused on sharing.  Yet, as we move into the next month, I want to put out this request.  Do you have an encouraging word of devotion you could share with the congregation?

Would you be willing to write and short note of encouragement, a devotion, a prayer? Would you allow me to share those with the congregation to keep the daily encourager going? If so, please write them and send those notes/devotions/prayers, and I will set them to go out each morning to the congregation as has been the practice these many months.

Many have not yet felt ready to join our in-person worship services, so this might be a way to keep them and us connected. Some of these messages have been shared with those far beyond our community, and in doing so the encouragement of God’s love spreads broadly. I would love to see the encouragement continue to reach our congregation and beyond, so with boldness form the throne of God, I ask you to offer help to keep these daily notes going out.

The writer of Hebrews believed that help comes to those in their time of need, and so with great faith, I am asking for help in this need, as we continue to press forward as the people of God.

Grace & Peace,

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