January 16, 2021
If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. – Romans 12:18
In the midst of all that goes on in our lives, at our work places, in our neighborhoods, at school, even within our families, and especially within ourselves; are we at peace with everyone? Truth is, even if you may be at peace right now all it would take is one wrong action on someone’s part and, BAM, no peace, only turmoil. Likewise, you could be in turmoil over some major event that has occurred, will occur or is currently happening, but as soon as it’s over, peace can return to you. Peace is one of those things that we would love to be permanent, or constant in our lives. However, peace seems to only happen in moments, and those moments often seem fleeting.
As Paul, is writing to the Romans about Christian ethics, he speaks to them about love, about the good, about opposing evil, and doing what is right. He speaks to them about hope, mercy, compassion, and forgiveness. In the middle of all of this the phrase, “if possible…” shows up. We realize, in this, that peace is not always a choice. As long as we live in a broken world, full of broken people, there will be broken relationships, and lack of peace therein. So, what do we do about it?
We try. We make peace a goal, and we sometime have to start small. Peace takes much effort on many parties, but it begins with us. First, find peace in yourself, forgive yourself as Christ has forgiven you, and forget about the pains that keep you from being at peace. Christ as removed your transgressions as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12). So we must simply, be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46:10) and that He has taken it all away. Secondly, make peace with family, I know that sometimes this can be difficult because some hurts run extremely deep, but family is family and they are a gift. Just as we become part of God’s family, and are accepted in as children, so we should be accepting and loving of the family with which we have been blessed. Find peace, even when others refuse. Lastly, find peace with those around you, in your workplace, school, neighborhood, or church community. We are all part of God’s family, all those who call on the name of the LORD, and you never know who you might be praising beside in heaven. Make peace now, and peace will lead you onward to the day of Christ.
Grace & Peace,