January 3, 2021
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And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers. – Luke 2:47
I’ll confess, when one of my children is telling me a story, especially about something that excites them, I listen, but probably don’t share their enthusiasm. If the story goes long, I probably nod along, but my listening becomes inactive.
I’m sure I’m not alone in this. I do truly love and care for and about my children, I just often have other things on my mind. We all do. Though every once in a while when we actually listen to them, especially to the answers they give to questions, they can say some very profound things.
Children are truly a wealth of wisdom despite their sometimes misplaced excitement. Their responses are sometimes witty, sometimes insightful, but always honest. My children especially impress me when they pick up on the notions of God’s forgiveness, mercy, and grace. When they say things about how at the cross Jesus saved us. Or that he rose again so that we can too. Even our youngest has reminded us that God loves everyone.
In those days when patience is worn thin, or anxiety is high, when we look out at the world and see nothing but darkness. Let us remember the light of a child. The child who amazed the elders in the temple, and shines into the darkness of our own lives. Let us see His light in all God’s children, and remember that we are one too.
May the light and love of Christ lead you to listen, and to be astonished by the words of Christ spoke around you, even if by a child.
Grace & Peace,