January 6, 2021
10 When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. 11 On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. 12 And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road. – Matthew 2:10-12
Here we are at Epiphany, still the first week of a new year, hoping for change. Still, we know that the previous year still has a grip on us. Not just the ongoing pandemic, but all of the years we have lived before. The habits we have formed, the ways we have acted and interacted, all of it impacts how we live now; unless, we strive for change.
Change is something that happens very slowly and over a great deal of time. In order for something to truly change for the better we must be intentional about such change.
If we need help understanding this, I think we turn to the story of Epiphany. Jesus has been born in Bethlehem as has been foretold. Some time has passed, despite what our old Christmas pageants might have indicated, and wise men from the East have made their way to honor a new born king. This knowledge of a new king takes the current, Romans appointed King, by surprise. No one has told him that his reign, or his family’s reign would end any time soon. After looking into the situation, this human appointed king decides in his heart that his reign would not end, even if it was foretold by the prophets of old. He would make his own future.
Thus, Herod the tyrant, asks the wise men to reveal the location of the child, and secretly wishes to have this child destroyed. The wise men do not adhere to the king’s wishes, instead they leave by another route, in hopes to save this new born king. Herod then, in his furry, has all the male children in and around Bethlehem two and under killed.
We know that Jesus remains safe; his earthly father, Joseph, has a dream and flees with his family to Egypt for safety. However, for the hundred’s or more children that Herod did kill, we mourn, and understand how harsh and cruel is our world and its people.
Even though a new king, one of peace and promise had come, the world did not change immediately. Even when we think of how the world treated Jesus when he did come into his own, we find cruelty and hatred. Even now, thousands of years later, we wonder if the world will ever find the peace that Christ offers us.
Change must be intentional, it happens slowly and over time. If we want to see change happen in our world, we must first understand that change, first, happens in our hearts as we open ourselves to the love that is poured out by God for our forgiveness. Then we must begin to offer that forgiveness to others, which with hope and kindness will spread as we nurture the change.
Friends, I want to see a change in our world. A change for the better, a change that will lift spirits, and share the love of God. I pray that God’s love would change each of us, to make us more like Christ, offering peace and forgiveness, living into hope, and always urging us to live the commandment to love one another.
Grace & Peace,