October 6, 2021

October 6, 2021

He said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. – Luke 10:2

Jesus sends his followers out into the towns in which he intended to visit ahead of him. These seventy disciples, or scouts, by two were sent to find places of hospitality, openness, and peace.

In the context of the gospel of Luke this event occurs after the transfiguration and one of the predictions Jesus makes of his own death. Several of his followers have already walked away, and Jesus knows that there is a great harvest ahead, but now fewer workers of that harvest.

Within this context, we so often may have misinterpreted the meaning of the verse that the harvest was plentiful but laborers (workers) few. So often we feel the urge to pray for the harvest. We pray for people to come to know the Lord, we pray that the churches will be filled with new life, we pray for our young to come into the faith. We pray that God would bring our community, city, nation to a time of revival. All of these are admirable thing for which to pray. We desperately need to see the change of heart new disciples could bring. Yet, sometimes we forget to pray for the workers.

Every day, the few who diligently do the work of the kingdom struggle to keep going. They need help, they need to know that there are other faithful ones working alongside of them for the kingdom that is to come. The lesson we learn from the seventy sent out by 2 is that we need to partner with one another to be laborers for the kingdom’s work.

The task ahead, the campaign to Revitalize for New Growth is too great for anyone to do alone. It will take all of us working together to do the work, to build relationships, and to share in the ministry of Christ now and into the future.

Prayer: Lord, help me to see the vast lostness and need around me... grow my burden for the harvest of meeting needs and the harvest of souls that would cause me to respond in faith. Amen.

Grace & Peace,