Now as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in utmost eagerness, and in our love for you—so we want you to excel also in this generous undertaking. – 2 Corinthians 8:7

St. Mark Family,

The last couple of years have been quite a journey. We have survived lockdowns, and worked through new ways of doing ministry, we have adapted to changes, and all while continuing to strive towards our calling to be disciples of Jesus Christ for the glory of God. It is this calling to continue to be rooted in our relationship with Christ, while reaching out into our community and world to help build God’s kingdom in love.

In the background, the vision committee has been working on ways to move us forward, and enhance our current buildings to meet needs now, and provide opportunities to build forward toward and enduring future as we continue to live into our purpose of being a rooted and reaching church. The new steps of this journey will challenge us for the next few years, but I can primes that these challenges will be met with faith and preparation.

I’m excited for what the future holds for St. Mark. Today, I’m inviting you to mark your  calendar for our first “Town Hall Meeting” to help us all better understand the opportunity that stands before us related to some needed restorations and renovations in our sanctuary. We will meet after worship and Sunday School on October 3, 2021. Lunch will be provided, and we will hear from vision members who will show us the areas of renovation. Then we will be challenged by our consultant, Tim Guthrie, who will help us during this most important time in preparing for our church’s future.

Please plant to attend this important meeting. I look forward to sharing this time with you as we consider these plans, and work to excel in this new journey.

Grace & Peace,