September 19, 2021

September 19, 2021

Live stream will be on YouTube at 10 am, or service can be viewed later on

And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in ever good work. – 2 Corinthians 9:8

What is the abundance of God?

So often we think about provision and abundance as monetary wealth in modern context. And there may be reason behind that. Even Paul, in writing these words was asking a church for an offering to continue the mission work of the saints.

However, when we talk about the abundance of God, there is so much more than the limited view of what can be purchased. Life, health, fresh air, family, friends, those relationships that matter most. These are things that, when genuine, aren’t purchased. They come from dedication, love of self and others. They come from sharing ourselves, and they are a gift from God.

So often we neglect the small gifts from God, seeking a different kind of abundance, but the truth is no other abundance is more lifegiving than these simple gifts. I hope that as we pause today, for rest and worship, that we give thanks to God, knowing we have already received in abundance, the divine blessings.  May God increase in us, that we might overflow in good works, in love, to all people.

Grace & Peace,